Thank you sir. I tried it, but when IR sensor is blocked and motor starts running, it just run for 2-3 seconds and stops (even though IR is falling on receiver). Is there any solution for this?
]]>You can use a Transistor as a Switch.
]]>Encoding is required only if you want to control more than one devices or for transmitting any data. Here 38KHz is enough.
]]>But in your circuit you have not used any kind of encoding. Then how the circuit is working?
]]>For that probably you should use a microcontroller. With above circuit we can only do ON OFF controls.
]]>Thanks for your prompt response. Much appreciated!
]]>I recommend you to refer the datasheet of TSOP1838. It is written ,”The data format should not make a continuous signal transmission. There must be a Signal Gap Time(longer than 15ms) at least each 90ms.”. So I think this behavior is expected for TSOP1838.