electroSome » All Posts https://electrosome.com/forum/digital-electronics/feed/ Sat, 18 Mar 2023 04:11:46 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.9 en-US https://electrosome.com/topic/why-jk-flip-flop-is-named-so/#post-15892 <![CDATA[Reply To: Why JK Flip Flop is named so ?]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/why-jk-flip-flop-is-named-so/#post-15892 Sat, 06 Apr 2019 13:24:55 +0000 oliverjack Take it to get back.

https://electrosome.com/topic/i2c-pic18f4550-to-pic18f4550/#post-13910 <![CDATA[I2C PIC18F4550 to PIC18F4550]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/i2c-pic18f4550-to-pic18f4550/#post-13910 Thu, 31 Aug 2017 10:32:41 +0000 viki2000 Hi,

I was checking your nice tutorial from here:

<div class=”post-message ” dir=”auto” data-role=”message”>

I decided to try it with PIC18F4550 to PIC18F4550 and I went in troubles.
I have tested your Proteus project with PIC16F877A and works fine.
Then I decided to replace PIC16F877A with PIC18F4550.
I have an error and maybe you can take a look and give some hints. The error comes from Slave code.
I made the changing from PIC16F877A to PIC18F4550 in 2 steps.
In the first step I have changed only the Master with PIC18F4550 and the Slave was still PIC16F877A.
Everything worked fine here. In my case the Master only reads from Salve and display the switches result on LEDs.
Here is the screenshots and XC8 code, the Master C code and “pro2.zip” with Proteus + MPLABX full XC8 code for Master and Slave:
This project works fine.

In the second step I have changed also the Slave with PIC18F4550.
Here is the screenshots and XC8 code, the Master and the Slave C code and “pro3.zip” with Proteus + MPLABX full XC8 code for Master and Slave:

Here I have a problem and for sure comes from Slave XC8 code.
When I compile it says “variable “_z” is not used” and “portion of expression has no effect” where z is used.
Could you please help to debug the problem?


https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13532 <![CDATA[Reply To: Serial Bits RF Transmission]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13532 Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:03:57 +0000 LulaNord As per my knowledge the speed of your 2 USARTS needs to be the same if you are using asynchronous mode. Asynchronous means that there isn’t a clock to tell when the data is valid. If you use synchronous mode the timing won’t be as important because there is a clock to tell the receiver that the data is valid.
If you just want to send single bits whenever you want you can use simple handshaking. Handshaking takes 2 extra lines. The sender puts the bit on a pin and sets a “data valid” line to tell the other controller that the bit is ready to be read. The receiver then reads the bit and sets a “data received” line to tell the sender that it received the bit correctly. This setup lets you transmit at whatever speed you like because the two sides will wait for each other using the “data valid” and “data received” lines.

https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13429 <![CDATA[Reply To: Serial Bits RF Transmission]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13429 Thu, 19 Jan 2017 12:09:12 +0000 Ligo George You may use a small microcontroller for that, a very simple program will work for this.

https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13421 <![CDATA[Serial Bits RF Transmission]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/rf-transmission/#post-13421 Sun, 15 Jan 2017 08:40:51 +0000 JOBIN GEORGE I want to send 5 bit serial data through an rf transmitter and want that 5 bit data output after decoding… not using a priority encoder and decoder… because priority encoder and decoder only gives a single output at a time.. Could you please help me to solve this problem ? I will be very thankful to you if you help me

https://electrosome.com/topic/circuit-diagram-and-programming-for-the-force-sensing-resistor-square/#post-11888 <![CDATA[Reply To: Circuit diagram and programming for the FORCE SENSING RESISTOR SQUARE]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/circuit-diagram-and-programming-for-the-force-sensing-resistor-square/#post-11888 Thu, 03 Dec 2015 10:17:55 +0000 Ligo George Hi,

I will give you some guidance. You can connect the FSR in series with a resistor (10K) across the supply (VCC and GND). You can connect the center point to the ADC input.

Now you can easily read the ADC values which will change depending upon the applied force. You can only get the variation of force by this. For calibration you need to do a lot of practical tests. There is no short cut.

https://electrosome.com/topic/circuit-diagram-and-programming-for-the-force-sensing-resistor-square/#post-11883 <![CDATA[Circuit diagram and programming for the FORCE SENSING RESISTOR SQUARE]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/circuit-diagram-and-programming-for-the-force-sensing-resistor-square/#post-11883 Wed, 02 Dec 2015 08:38:46 +0000 [email protected] Hello everybody |
I purchased the resistive plate and I am working on ARM 7.. I need help for interfacing diagram (supply voltage, circuit,etc) and also the programming for calibration. So that I can make it somewhat linear. I hereby attached the datasheet for the reference.
Thank you in advance

https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11815 <![CDATA[Reply To: motion sensor with remote control light swith]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11815 Mon, 02 Nov 2015 03:07:52 +0000 Ligo George Hi,

You can follow our tutorials and if you need any further help, please post it in forums or comments section.

https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11804 <![CDATA[Reply To: motion sensor with remote control light swith]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11804 Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:31:10 +0000 DaSurvival Overcomer Acquaye thanks George

i am new to electronics so please help me with design and circuit diagrams

i would really appreciate it



https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11801 <![CDATA[Reply To: motion sensor with remote control light swith]]> https://electrosome.com/topic/motion-sensor-with-remote-control-light-swith/#post-11801 Tue, 13 Oct 2015 08:31:11 +0000 Ligo George Hi,

I think you should go for a small microcontroller for that. Otherwise it will be very difficult to make it with simple digital circuits. Using a small microcontroller will reduce the cost, complexity etc.
