16F887 Archives - electroSome https://electrosome.com/topic-tag/16f887/ You Inspire.....We Create..... Thu, 17 Nov 2016 06:19:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 PIC 16F887 LCD Interfacing Problem https://electrosome.com/topic/pic-16f887-lcd-interfacing-problem/ Wed, 16 Nov 2016 14:48:12 +0000 https://electrosome.com/topic/pic16f887-and-lcd-problem/ Hello, I am trying to use the lcd.h header, with a PIC16F887, and xc8. The code compiles fine, but the lcd will only power up, giving solid blocks on the first line. The code is directly copied from the tutorial with the following changes. #define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000 #define RS RB2 #define EN RB3 #define D4 […]

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