Author - Ligo George

PCB Manufacturing Simplified by JLCPCB

During the beginning of my electronics engineering journey I used to make PCBs at home using toner transfer method. Later I used to do screen printing and also manufacture PCBs locally. Then I used to assemble components myself. In all these methods PCB manufacturing itself is a time consuming process. Sometimes some components won't be readily available in the market which will further take more time to arrange. Recently I have come across JLCPCB, which is a sister organization of EasyEDA...

Remote Debugging of Embedded Systems

Most of us are working from home during this COVID-19 pandemic situation. I have personally struggled to debug some of my hardwares remotely. Today I am going to introduce a completely new method for remote debugging of embedded systems. Using this method you can debug a remote system as if it is connected to your local computer. Here we are using a software named, USB Network Gate developed by Electronic Team Inc. Installation Download USB Network Gate.Run the programSelect Language and click...

Microcontroller vs Microprocessor

The term microprocessor and microcontroller can be confusing for those who are new to this field. I recommend you to read our articles What is a Microcontroller ? and What is a Microprocessor ? to understand more about microcontroller and microprocessor. Both microcontroller and microprocessor are programmable multipurpose silicon chip, clock driven, register based, accepts binary data as input and provides output after processing it as per the instructions stored in the memory. Let's see the key differences between them. Intel Core...

Digital Alarm Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS3234 RTC

Here is a digital alarm clock made using PIC 18F4520 Microcontroller and DS3234 RTC (Real Time Clock). This project is for educational purposes or can be used as a reference for integrating DS3234 RTC. DS3234 is a very accurate RTC IC with integrated on chip temperature compensated crystal oscillator. It can be integrated with a microcontroller using SPI bus. This project is developed using MPLAB XC8 compiler. Components Required PIC 18F4520 MicrocontrollerDS3234 RTC20MHz Crystal 4x3 Keypad16x2 LCD10KΩ preset5V buzzerLEDBC547 TransistorCapacitor...

What is a Microcontroller ?

A microcontroller is an integrated circuit (IC) which is small, low cost and self contained computer designed to handle a specific task in embedded systems. In simple words, a microcontroller (MCU or Microcontroller Unit) is a small computer integrated in to a single chip. We can also explain it as programmable silicon chip which is clock driven, register based, accepts input and provides output after processing it as per the instructions stored in the memory. A computer is a general...

Seeeduino XIAO – Smallest Arduino Board

Today we will learn about Seeeduino XIAO, the most smallest Arduino compatible board as of today. Introduction Seeeduino XIAO is manufactured by SeeedStudio and is the smallest member of Seeeduino family. XIAO is powered by Microchip's ATSAMD21G18A-MU, which is a powerful and low power ARM® Cortex®-M0+ microcontroller. By seeing the picture itself we can understand that it is professionally designed and it even have a metallic projection cover for protecting the circuit. For better coding experience it houses an extra...

Blinking LED using LPC2148 – ARM Microcontroller Tutorial – Part 3

Hello World In this tutorial we will learn how to start programming an ARM microcontroller. This is a hello world project (blinking an LED) intended for beginners to ARM microcontroller programming. Here we are using LPC2148 ARM microcontroller and Keil IDE for programming. Components Required LPC2148 Development BoardLED220R Resistor Registers In this section we will learn about different registers used for configuring or controlling a pin of an ARM microcontroller. In microcontrollers, pins are divided in to different PORTS. Usually a 32-bit microcontroller will have...

Flashing LPC2148 – ARM Microcontroller Tutorial – Part 2

In this tutorial we will learn how to flash an LPC2148 microcontroller using on-chip serial (UART) ISP bootloader with Flash Magic tool. Components Required LPC2148 ARM Microcontroller USB to UART converter with DTR and RTS outputs. You may also use ready to go boards like rhydoLABZ LPC2148 Stick. Connections LPC2148 ISP Serial UART Flashing Connections Circuit Diagram LPC2148 ISP Serial UART Flashing - Circuit Diagram Using Flash Magic Tool Above we seen how to make connections for serial ISP programming. In this section we will see...
