Hi Manvitha,
Sorry for the late response. It is quite hard to tell the problem without further debugging. If you have a USB/UART device, try monitoring what is happening in the UART lines.
Yes it will work for RS232 also.
]]>In my opinion you should learn C, baisc is outdated.
]]>You made it with MikroC, which is from the same company like Mikrobasic – Mikroelektronika. Do you know anybody who can do it? I can pay for this small job. I want to develop more around the code, but i do not know C. For this size of code , Mikrobasic is free.
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry I don’t have any idea about Mikrobasic.
]]>NFC is different from RFID
]]>I have developed a similar project before few years. It is connected with a computer software. If you like I can share the details. Drop me a mail [email protected]