Electronics tutorials including microcontroller, microprocessor, programing and circuits. Intended for beginners, electronics hobbyists, college students, professionals and educational purposes.
Signal Operations in MATLAB
Here I'm going to discuss about basic signal operations that can be done in MATLAB. Visit our tutorial guide on MATLAB to get familar with the basic concepts. This tutorial includes : Addition Subtraction Multiplication Shifting a Signal Reversing a Signal Linear Convolution of 2 signals Addition Addition can be carried out using the ' + ' symbol and plotting will give you the result. Eg : x=[1 2 3 4]; subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); title('X'); y=[1 1 1 1]; subplot(3,1,2); stem(y); title('Y'); z=x+y; subplot(3,1,3); stem(z); title('Z=X+Y'); OUTPUT : Plot of Signal Addition With Same time Index NOTE: In the above example index value of both the signals x...