
Electronics tutorials including microcontroller, microprocessor, programing and circuits. Intended for beginners, electronics hobbyists, college students, professionals and educational purposes.

Signal Operations in MATLAB

Here I'm going to discuss about basic signal operations that can be done in MATLAB. Visit our tutorial guide on MATLAB to get familar with the basic concepts. This tutorial includes : Addition Subtraction Multiplication Shifting a Signal Reversing a Signal Linear Convolution of 2 signals  Addition Addition can be carried out  using the ' + ' symbol and plotting will give you the result. Eg : x=[1 2 3 4]; subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); title('X'); y=[1 1 1 1]; subplot(3,1,2); stem(y); title('Y'); z=x+y; subplot(3,1,3); stem(z); title('Z=X+Y'); OUTPUT : Plot of Signal Addition With Same time Index NOTE: In the above example index value  of both the signals  x...

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi (also known as RPi or RasPi in short) is an ultra low cost single board credit card sized computer developed with an intention of teaching computer programming to school students. It is developed in United Kingdom (UK) by Raspberry Pi foundation which is a registered charity. It follows licensed manufacturing and are sold in partnership with  Premier Farnell/Element 14 and RS Components. We can buy Raspberry Pi online from these companies. Actually it is a miniature ARM based PC which can...

Interfacing Servo Motor with Atmega32 Microcontroller

Servo Motor Servo Motor is a DC Motor equipped with error sensing negative feedback to control the exact angular position of the shaft. Unlike DC Motors it will not rotate continuously. It is used to make angular rotations such as 0-90°, 0-180° etc. Stepper Motors can also be used for making precise angular rotations. But Servo Motors are preferred in angular motion applications like robotic arm, since controlling of servo motors are simple, needs no extra drivers like stepper motor and...

Interfacing DC Motor with Atmega32 Microcontroller

In some of your electronic projects you may want to control a DC Motor with Atmega32 Microcontroller. We can't connect a DC Motor directly to a microcontroller due to following reasons. A microcontroller can't supply the current required for the working of DC Motor. ATmega32 Microcontroller can source or sink currents up to 40mA but a DC Motor needs current very much more than that. The negative voltages created due to the back emf of the motor may affect the proper functioning of the microcontroller. You may need to...

Interfacing Servo Motor with 8051 using Keil C

A servo motor uses servo mechanism, which is a closed loop mechanism that uses position feedback to control the precise angular position of the shaft. Stepper Motors, which is an open loop system can also be used for precise angular control. But Servo Motors are preferred in angular motion applications such as robotic arm. Moreover controlling of servo motors are very simple, easy and needs no extra hardware like stepper motor. Usually hobby circuit servo motors have three wires. Two of them...

Interfacing LCD with Atmega32 Microcontroller using Atmel Studio

As we all know LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is an electronic display which is commonly used nowadays in applications such as calculators, laptops, tablets, mobile phones etc. 16x2 character LCD module is a very basic module which is commonly used by electronic hobbyists and is used in many electronic devices and project. It can display 2 lines of 16 character and each character is displayed using 5x7 or 5x10 pixel matrix. 16x2 Character LCD Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Atmega32 Atmel AVR Microcontroller using Atmel...

Signal Generation in MATLAB

Here I’m going to show you how signals can be generated in MATLAB. If you are a newbie in this field, have a look at our MATLAB tutorials to get familiar with it. Plotting of Discrete and Continuous signal The 2 main functions for plotting are plot() function - For plotting Continuous signal stem() function - For plotting Discrete signal stem() - 2-D plot function for plotting discrete sequence of data SYNTAX : stem(y) - Plots the data sequence y specified equally spaced along x axis stem(x,y) - Plots x...

Interfacing Stepper Motor with 8051 using Keil C – AT89C51

Stepper Motor A Stepper Motor is a brushless, synchronous DC Motor. It has many applications in the field of robotics and mechatronics. The total rotation of the motor is divided into steps. The angle of a single step is known as the stepper angle of the motor. There are two types of stepper motors Unipolar and Bipolar. Due to the ease of operation unipolar stepper motor is commonly used by electronics hobbyists. For more details please read the article Stepper Motor or Step Motor. Stepper...
