Tag - processor

What is a Microprocessor ?

What is a Microprocessor ? A microprocessor is an integrated circuit (IC) which incorporates core functions of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It is a programmable multipurpose silicon chip, clock driven, register based, accepts binary data as input and provides output after processing it as per the instructions stored in the memory. Block Diagram of a Computer Block Diagram of a Computer Why we need a Microprocessor ? Thank you "B B DWIVEDI" for asking this question in the comment. So I thought of...

Nvida Tegra 3 processor

It is true that Nvida did some good work to come up with the Tergra 2 smartphone/tablet processor last year,But considering the hype following the release the new Tegra 3 processor later this year, it seems that the are ready to do even better.With the arrival of the Asus Transformer prime the first of the benchmark scores are starting to come out.Nvidia’s new quad-core mobile platform which is likely to power a pretty large share of  Ice Cream Sandwich tablets...
